Dear Friends/Family/Whānau

blog julianne.jpgAh Spring! Can you feel it? The teachers and children can barely contain themselves as they await the arrival of Spring and look for the skies to clear, the air to warm and the trees and gardens to come into full bloom. "Nearly there" they say!

The start of Spring this year will happily coincide with the completion of the three stages of our playground project. Have you taken a look outside lately to see the amazing natural play spaces Geoff Sturt and his guys have lovingly created for us all? If not then do take a peek at what's been achieved through the worst of Winter.

Through the rain, hail, wind and cloudy days this amazing team has carried on recreating our outdoor world. This has been a delight to watch and has created plenty of interest and excitement amongst the children. I bet you have heard many stories of diggers, big holes in the yard, mud everywhere, huge logs being delivered, sand and wood chip being moved about, drilling, nailing, cutting, planting, concreting - what a heap of activity and amazing things for the children to experience.

With only a couple of weeks until completion we will be ready to get the shade sails back and to spend the Summer making memories as the children rediscover their back yard at Kids' Domain.

While space has been limited here, we've taken the opportunity to visit the Auckland Domain more frequently. The children have gone on treks all rugged up in their wet weather gear and gumboots. The children and teachers have spent many hours over the dreary winter months out in the bountiful natural bush areas right next door. We intend that these treks will continue, and with more ease with the installation of a new lockable gate leading directly from our playground to a little clearing in the Domain.

The vegetable patches will soon be reinstated, and the kitchen garden, worm farm, and gardening chores will be in full swing before too long. I can just imagine all the fabulous herbs and vegetables being ready to harvest for use by our chefs. I can't wait!

Julianne Exton, Centre Director


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